E-Contents For Computer Engg.
Computer Engg. IV sem
Computer Engg VI sem
- multimedia
- Cloud Computing
- operating system
- Digital Electronics
- chapter-1-introuduction-to-mobile-computing
- DSCcompletenotes
- OOPS-E-Content
- mobile application and Developement
- Cybercrime_Cyberlaw
- e_content_of_co
- Data_Encription_Standard
- Data_Encryption_Standard
- Model-urriculum_Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship development_1 (1)
- Entrepreneurship (3)
- entrepreneurship (1)
- EDI-ADFIAP-Cambodia-Presentation-Final-Dinesh-Awasth
- concept of entreprenuer us1
- concept of entreprenuer ch-2
- General Packet Radio System
- Mobile Application and Developement Chapter 3,4 and 5
- Android-Chapter06-Fragments-Handout
- Memory_organization
- Input_output_organiztion
- Hardware_organization_of_computer_system
- Architecture_of_multiprocessor_system
- dbms_-4c
- network Security syllabus
- Microprocessor_4c
- MPD1